Our Business



Ongroo Inc. publishes original picture books.

Ongroo Inc. discovers new artists to publish art books.

온그루는 아티스트를 위한 '작품집'과 창작 '그림책'을 출판합니다.



Ongroo Inc. organizes seminars and forums to transfer the market entry know-how to artists.

Ongroo Inc. provides artists with the relevant information and insights about content planning, intellectual properties, and contracts.

온그루는 아티스트를 위한 '시장 진입 노하우'를 전하는 세미나, 포럼 등을 진행합니다.



Ongroo Inc. organizes branding collaborations through utilizing arts.

Ongroo Inc. realizes collaborations between artists and brands, which have been established as alternatives for mundane marketing.

온그루는 '아트를 활용하는 브랜딩 콜라보레이션'을 기획합니다.



Ongroo Inc. practices exhibitions for artists in galleries and art museums.

Ongroo Inc. provides exhibitions for galleries and art museums, and marketing channels for artists. 

온그루는 갤러리, 미술관 대상으로 아티스트를 위한 전시를 실행합니다.


Ongroo Inc. investigates artists’ relations and genealogy, and establishes network.

As a result, we take a view of art market and protect copyrights and ideas among artists.

Expanding to overseas artists, we realize global on/offline networking for artists.

온그루는 아티스트 관계와 계보를 조사하고, 시장 관계자를 위한 네트워킹을 마련합니다.


In order to find new profit streams and secure overseas markets, Ongroo Inc. is planning financings for artists, art archiving, and opening stores abroad.

온그루는 향후 사업으로 작품과 콘텐츠에 기반을 둔 아트 관련 '파이낸싱', 콘텐츠 '아카이빙'과 해외 플래그십 스토어로써 '파리 스토어'를 계획합니다.



Ongroo Inc. supports artists’ creative activities and plans financings for sharing profit.

Ongroo Inc. invests in artists to help them planning and creating.

Furthermore, Ongroo Inc. verifies artists’ projects and supports creative activities with formed funds to share profits made by art pieces and products.

온그루는 아티스트의 창작을 지원하고, 수익 배분에 따른 파이낸싱을 설계합니다.



Ongroo Inc. is founding archive centers where artworks are archived, exhibited, and sold.

Ongroo Inc. fulfills artists’ biggest needs by providing storages and scanning services for artworks, and constructs archive of artworks and images.

온그루는 예술 작품을 보관하고 상설 전시 및 판매하는 아카이브 센터를 만듭니다.


Paris Store

Ongroo Inc. is opening a bookstore-and- flagship-store in Paris to introduce Korean artists and contents.

Redécouverte, Korean contents are ‘rediscovered’ in Paris.

Ongroo Inc. makes the Paris store as a foothold for overseas market, to execute global collaboration, overseas exhibition and trade of intellectual properties.

온그루는 한국 아티스트와 콘텐츠를 알리는 서점 겸 플래그십 스토어를 파리에 오픈 계획합니다.